The Selected Date Range May Be Too Narrow
The default date range is set to the past 30 days in LOCALACT. If you cannot see your reviews, try expanding your date range up to the previous 13 months. If you have received any reviews on Google or Facebook during that time period then they should be pulled into LOCALACT.
To access any reviews older than 13 months, you will need to use a custom date range selection. Please note that LOCALACT may not have reviews older than 13 months old available in some situations.
These older reviews can sometimes account for a difference in average rating between LOCALACT and Google/Facebook.
LOCALACT May Not Have Access To Your Listing
If you have received reviews during the past 13 months and you still aren't seeing the data in LOCALACT then we might not have access to your listing. Without access we are unable to pull reviews and listing data into LOCALACT.
Please reach out to for assistance.
Also, see "Data is unavailable for your selection."
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