Sometimes a paid search monthly budget is not spent due to a drop in seasonal demand for your products and services in your area.
For example, lets say that I have own a snowboard shop and the current month is May. If I am only targeting a 5-10 mile radius (or less) around my snowboard shop and the search demand on Google is lower than average or well below the peak season, my full budget may not be spent entirely.
To break this down even further, let's say that we spread the $600 monthly budget evenly over the 31 days in May. That gives me roughly $19.35 per day. If we do not average $19.35 per day at the end of the month then we will have budget remaining. If the average cost-per-click is $3.75, that gives me between 5-6 clicks per day. If demand is low, our ads may receive 2-5 clicks per day on average and fall short of our monthly budget.
In the example above we did not spend the full budget allocated for the month, however this does not mean that we want to decrease budgets for the next month in case demand goes up. A budget that falls short some months is the type of budget that you want to have because it simply means that you are maximizing your opportunity and getting the most out of your Google or Bing Paid Search Campaign.
If you have any additional questions, please reach out to or call 720-466-2176.
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